Don’t have a Back-Up Plan? Sign Up for Our Roadside Assistance Insurance
Whether you are on a dream trip, hauling cargo or just on your way home, school or work, you might face an unpleasant incident that will ruin your plans. Keys locked in a car, out of gas, and a dead battery are the most common issues that will keep you alone behind the wheel. Sure, it’s not a big deal, but every driver in Nevada will come across these troubles at some point. So, here’s a solution!
The Roadside Assistance insurance is what you need if something goes wrong with your flat tires, car keys or any other technical issue you’ll have on the roadside.
If you are a driver in Nevada, it only takes a small addition to your annual insurance costs for Nevada Roadside Assistance insurance to bring you a sigh of relief. And if anything comes up, our roadside service in Nevada will determine your exact location as quickly as possible and will deliver emergency services to fix your issues.
When Will Roadside Assistance Insurance Help You?
The following services are available, if you are protected by this plan:
- Battery jump start - It happened to all of us, and you know will happen again. This is especially troublesome with trucks that get stuck on the road with their batteries failed. You don’t want to bother with this when you have a delivery to make! If you are protected by Roadside Assistance coverage, you need no worries. The technicians of our roadside service will pinpoint your location, fix the battery failure, and get you back on the road immediately.
- Emergency fuel delivery - Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere with no gas in the vehicle is very frustrating. What if there is also no gas station nearby? The roadside coverage will take care of this as well by delivering fuel directly to your vehicle. Keep in mind that you will need to pay for the gas, but not the delivery.
- Emergency fluid delivery - Does your vehicle refuse to start because of an overheated engine? You can lose hours from your workday or get covered by this plan. In the latter case, the roadside assistance will deliver you the necessary fluids. Again, you will pay for the fluids, but not the delivery.
- Flat tire change - If you need a helping hand in replacing the spare flat tire, you can take advantage of the roadside coverage. A professional technician will soon arrive to change the flat tire. No more stopping cars and asking for help!
- Locksmith service - If your keys are lost or broken, or locked in the car, you might be facing a very uncomfortable situation. This is especially frustrating when you’re running late. This insurance brings you peace of mind by providing you lock-out services directly on the road.
If you are a driver in Nevada, you can count on the Roadside Assistance insurance that we offer. Reach out to our support team to get all your questions answered and your steps determined.
Most importantly, we take pride in providing our 24/7 roadside assistance in Nevada. Keep in mind that troubles come when they are least expected. Make use of our resources day and night. Driving has never been this easy!